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LinkedIn Poll Results - June 2024

Simon Clark • Jun 20, 2024

Our June 2024 LinkedIn poll asked a simple yet telling question: "What is your preferred social media channel?" The responses provide fascinating insights into the preferences of our community. It also helped settle a discussion we had in the office about whether or not posting the poll to LinkedIn would see LinkedIn come out on top. Here’s what we discovered:

Facebook leads as the preferred social media channel, with 36% of the votes. This choice suggests that despite newer platforms gaining traction, Facebook remains a significant tool for networking, sharing, and engagement, particularly among professionals who value its broad reach and diverse functionalities.

LinkedIn and Instagram both tied with 29% of the votes each, reflecting their importance in the professional and personal realms, respectively. LinkedIn’s strong showing underscores its relevance in professional networking, job searching, and industry-related discussions. Instagram, known for its visual appeal, continues to be a popular choice for creative expression and lifestyle sharing.

Twitter, with just 7% of the vote, seems less favoured. This might indicate that the fast-paced nature of Twitter, with its focus on real-time information, may not be the preferred choice for professionals looking for more substantial engagements or deeper connections.

These results highlight the varied preferences for social media usage and reinforce the importance of multi-channel strategies in both personal branding and professional networking. At Shepherd Stubbs Recruitment we utilise these insights to better connect with and serve our audience, ensuring we meet them on their preferred platforms.


by Jonathan Shepherd-Stubbs 10 Jun, 2024
There is no way around it, today’s job market is highly competitive and you will need to stand out as a candidate if you want to be considered for a position within a reputable company. In this blog, we will be discussing how you can stand out in your next job application, let’s take a look. Edit Your CV First things first, the CV you wrote out hastily in 2010 just isn’t going to cut it in today’s market. Start by removing any ‘fluff’ or any decades old previous jobs unless they are completely relevant to the job you are applying for. Always adjust and edit your CV to fit the company in which you are applying for; Going the extra mile with your CV will make it stand out. Here’s an interesting blog we published earlier this year about striking the balance between AI and authenticity when it comes to CV writing. Always Research Always, always, always research the hiring company thoroughly before you apply for the role or go for interview. This benefits you in two ways: Helping you to avoid the awkward silence at interview stage when they ask company specific questions and also allows you to gain a deeper understanding of how the company operates before you apply/interview for the job. It could turn out you aren’t the right fit for them, but on the flip side, they might not be the right fit for you. Consider Previous Skills Always consider any previous skills you have gained in the past and have a think about how they can be applied to the job you are interested in. This might not always be immediately obvious but what it will do is make you really rethink how you can apply your own unique set of skills to a brand new role and another benefit is that potential employers will be impressed by this. Prepare for Interviews Preparation could mean the difference between disappointment or success and a large portion of which way that goes is up to you. It’s cliché for a reason but always research the hiring company and practise common interview questions until to you feel confident in your delivery, feel free to check out our previous blog on common interview questions here.  Don’t Give Up Whatever happens on your employment journey, it’s so important that you don’t give up. Always prepare well, be confident in your abilities and suitability for the role and take the rough with the smooth, your dream job could be just around the corner. Check out our latest list of vacancies here and if you need some more support with job preparation, please contact our team today.
by Simon Clark 24 May, 2024
From time-to-time, we occasionally steer away from our usual recruitment-focused polls on LinkedIn to explore other facets of professional life. Our May 2024 poll did just that by asking professionals about their favourite ways to unwind after a day at work. Thank you to everyone who took part in this engaging discussion. The poll revealed a strong preference for spending time with family and friends, with a significant 60% of respondents choosing this option. This underscores the vital role personal relationships play in helping individuals recharge and maintain a sense of well-being amidst their professional responsibilities. Exercise was the second most popular choice, capturing 20% of the vote. This choice reflects the growing awareness and importance of physical health and its impact on mental and emotional resilience, essential for coping with daily work stresses. Reading and watching TV each garnered 10%, indicating that quieter, more solitary activities still hold appeal for decompressing after work hours. These activities offer a way to escape and relax, providing valuable downtime for the mind. These insights into relaxation preferences are not just interesting; they also help us better understand the holistic needs of professionals today. At Shepherd Stubbs Recruitment, recognising these diverse unwinding techniques allows us to foster a more empathetic approach towards our candidates and clients, ensuring we align opportunities that respect their work-life balance. What will our poll be for June? Follow us here on LinkedIn to get notified.
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