How do you feel about interviews? We can probably all identify with the nerves in the days leading up to it and they can be daunting to the best of us but there are some things you can do to go a long way to the success of your next one. Let’s jump into our top tips for acing your next interview.
This is so important. Get to know the company you are interviewing with inside out, find out what makes them tick, what their values are and how their company culture works. No interviewer wants to think that any job will do and you are only there for the sake of getting a job. At the very very least, do a quick Google search on the company and its management staff so you are prepared and genuinely interested on the day.
The more we do something, the less scary it becomes so consider recruiting a friend to practice some common interview questions that might come up in your interview. This tip will allow you to feel more confident about yourself and your answers as your job interview approaches. Also run through your CV and try to anticipate any questions that might come up about it and have an answer ready.
Yes, the dreaded “Do you have any questions for us?” moment near the end of your interview. If you have used our first tip to prepare, then this step should be a whole lot easier for you. Try to have some questions in mind for when this point in your interview arises to let the recruiter know you are forward thinking and taking an interest in their company and your future there. Always keep in mind, the recruiter isn’t trying to catch you out, they just simply want to find someone who is the right fit for the role.
Everyone looks their best on interview day, we all want to make a good first impression right? How you present yourself doesn’t stop there though, also consider how you carry yourself during your interview. It’s always a good idea introduce yourself confidently, make eye contact as you answer questions and provide a firm handshake upon arrival and departure. Stay positive, stay engaged and stay calm.
We hope these tips have helped you prepare and feel more confident as your interview approaches. If you are
looking for your next job role, our expert team would love to support you on your journey.
Contact us here.
*If you would like to discover ways to mentally prepare yourself for your next interview,
take a look at this blog we have previously released.
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