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by Simon Clark 18 Apr, 2024
At Shepherd Stubbs Recruitment, we are committed to understanding the intricacies of workplace dynamics and what drives employee performance. Our April 2024 LinkedIn poll asked a crucial question: "What’s your biggest motivator at work?" We are grateful for the excellent response and thank everyone who participated and shared the poll with their connections. The results reveal a diverse set of motivators that underscore the complexity of employee engagement today. Leading the pack was 'Work-Life Balance' with 31% of the vote, indicating that employees are increasingly valuing the ability to effectively manage their professional and personal lives. This trend highlights the importance for employers to offer flexible working conditions that support a healthier work-life integration. Both 'Recognition/Praise' and 'Financial Incentives' tied at 25%, reflecting a classic yet evolving understanding that both acknowledgment and monetary rewards play significant roles in motivating employees. Recognition and praise show employees that their efforts are valued, boosting morale and productivity. Simultaneously, financial incentives continue to be a powerful motivator, underlining the need for competitive compensation structures. 'Career Opportunities' was also a key driver, with 19% of respondents indicating that the prospect of advancement and professional growth is a crucial motivator. This result points to the necessity for organisations to cultivate clear career paths and development opportunities to retain ambitious employees. These insights are invaluable as they highlight the varied and complex factors that motivate today’s workforce. We leverage this understanding to help our clients attract and retain the right talent, aligning our strategies with the evolving needs and motivations of the workforce. Remember, in a changing job market, it’s all about the right people, and knowing what moves them is the first step towards success. If you would like to talk to the team about placing a new candidate, get in touch here .
by Simon Clark 12 Apr, 2024
Are you currently job seeking? It’s not always easy to figure out what skills are required when applying for a new role but there are some skills which employers will automatically look for and will apply to pretty much every job out there, regardless of the industry. Do you have these 5 essential skills? Let’s take a look Good Communication Good communication skills are a core part of life as well as any job and recruiters will want to know how you will communicate effectively in your potential new role. Communication skills are difficult to exaggerate as employers will be able to see in your interview how well you communicate and are well used to overlooking genuine interview nerves. Problem Solving Like communication, problem solving skills are an essential skill in the workplace and to discover how good you are at problem solving, a recruiter might ask for examples on how you have effectively problem solved in previous workplace roles. This will give them an insight into how your mind works and how well you can adapt to different scenarios or conflict. Teamwork Even in a remote role, it’s highly likely you will be part of a wider overall team. Your future employers will want you to demonstrate how well you can carry out your role as part of a team and what your place will be within that team. If you are applying for a managerial role, they will be looking at your leadership skills or how well you get on with a team to collectively move everyone towards the overall business goals. Adaptability In today’s ever changing business landscape, adaptability is a key component in any workplace. If you have the ability to learn, grow and adapt within your role, you have one of the essential skills most employers are looking for. Team adaptability allows an employer to implement improvements, make strategic decisions and remain competitive.  Organisation Organisation can mean many things but for a recruiter it most often means how an employee manages their time and energy for the most effective outcome for the business. Self-management in the workplace is a sought after skill which means that employees know how to best manage their time to stay productive and prioritise tasks. How is your job search going? Do you need some expert help and advice to help you land your dream role ? Our team would love to help. We can guide you through everything from interview preparation to finding that perfect job. Contact our team here.
by Jonathan Shepherd-Stubbs 28 Mar, 2024
Are you interviewing for a position in your company? As an employer, your priority is to maximise the success of the interview process and really get a sense of your potential candidates and how they will fit in with your business and its work culture. With this in mind, and with our extensive experience, we have put together 3 of the best questions to ask any candidate in an interview. Let’s take a look. Taking into account everything you have learned about our company and the role, how do you see yourself fitting in and what would your overall contribution be? This question assesses the candidates level of preparation and understanding of the businesses goals, culture, and expectations. Candidates who have researched and actively listened during the interview will be able to provide responses that align closely with the company's needs and values. This type of question will also show what impact they expect to have as an individual in the day to day running of your business. If a candidate sees working with you as a great opportunity and they manage to visualise themselves working for you and how that will mutually benefit both of you, this proves that their application is a serious one. How do you stay updated on industry trends and developments? Can you provide an example of how you've applied this knowledge to improve your work or solve a problem? This question assesses the candidate’s commitment to continuous learning and professional development and how engaged they are with staying on top of best practices in the industry. In addition, the interviewer can gauge the candidate's approach to dealing with challenges. Candidates who can provide a clear strategy for staying informed and provide examples of applying their knowledge to show their potential are good ones to keep in mind when filling your vacancy. Can you talk me through a challenging project or task you completed in your previous role? What were the obstacles you encountered, and how did you overcome them? This question provides an excellent insight into the candidate's problem-solving skills, resilience, and their ability to handle challenges. It will also show their approach to teamwork, communication, and adaptability in a work environment. Candidates who can provide solid examples and demonstrate their ability to overcome obstacles effectively are highly likely to be suited to the demands of the role. Are you looking to fill a vacancy in your company? If you need some expert help, our team is on hand to help you every step of the way. From advertising your open roles, to selecting the best candidates for the job, we have you covered. Get in touch with our team here.
by Simon Clark 27 Mar, 2024
In an era defined by rapid change and innovation, understanding the essence of effective leadership has never been more crucial. At Shepherd Stubbs Recruitment, we continuously seek to explore the evolving dynamics of leadership in the workplace. Our most recent LinkedIn poll asked professionals to weigh in on what they consider the key to effective leadership in 2024. The results offer a compelling glimpse into the priorities and expectations of today's workforce. Communication Skills emerged as the clear front-runner, selected by a majority with 57% of the votes. This underscores the evergreen importance of clear, transparent, and empathetic communication in leading teams and driving organisational success. Effective leaders are those who can articulate vision, inspire trust, and foster an environment of open dialogue. Decision Making, Emotional Intelligence, and Technology Savviness each received 14% of the votes, reflecting a diverse yet equally critical set of leadership competencies. Decision Making is pivotal in navigating the complexities of today's business landscape, enabling leaders to make informed, strategic choices. Emotional Intelligence, on the other hand, highlights the significance of understanding and managing emotions to cultivate a productive and positive workplace. Technology Savviness speaks to the necessity of staying abreast with technological advancements, ensuring leaders can leverage digital tools to drive innovation and efficiency. These insights reveal a multifaceted approach to leadership in 2024, where a blend of communication, decision-making acumen, emotional intelligence, and technological aptitude defines success. We recognise the importance of these qualities in shaping leaders who can thrive in an ever-evolving work environment. Our commitment to fostering these skills among candidates and clients alike reflects our dedication to excellence in leadership recruitment, aligning with our ethos that "It's all about the right people."
by Jonathan Shepherd-Stubbs 22 Mar, 2024
In today’s fast paced business world, it makes sense that hiring businesses are increasingly looking for ways to speed up the hiring process and streamline their workloads without compromising on attracting the highest quality talent to their workforce. With this in mind, here are 4 proven ways to speed up the hiring process in your company. Using Technology for Automation It’s time to embrace the technology available to you by automating the recruitment process. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are a great way to streamline the hiring process from posting the latest job roles to sorting through CV’s and getting those all-important interviews scheduled. Using a system like this will free up your time to focus on other areas in your business whilst finding your next ideal candidate. Maintaining Good Communication As with anything, communication is key! Keep candidates engaged and excited about your latest opportunity by keeping them informed every step of the way. Always keep candidates updated on their application status and take the time to address any questions or queries they may have. Keeping the lines of communication open will provide a positive experience for everyone. Considering Pre-Employment Assessments Assessing your candidates before reaching the interview stage benefits everyone. As an employer, you will be able to move ideal candidates to the next stage quickly and any candidates that might not be a good fit will be informed early on and can move on with additional job searches. Assessments will allow you to look at your potential employees skills and what makes them tick in an objective way.  Revise Your Interview Process Interviews are an essential part of the hiring process but can be time consuming if they aren’t carried out efficiently. Take a look at your interview process and consider ways in which you can streamline the process and map out a tried and tested structure for future interviews. Be clear in what type of candidate you need to fill the role and what any special skills or requirements are. Always respect the time each candidate gives to the interview process, whether they are successful or not. Business owners, do you need help attracting the perfect talent to build and grow your team? Our recruitment experts are on hand to make it easier for you. We believe “It’s all about the right people” and are committed to helping you get those right people into your business. Contact us here .
by Jonathan Shepherd-Stubbs 20 Feb, 2024
In our ongoing efforts to delve into the dynamics of the modern workplace, we once again conducted our LinkedIn poll for February 2024, asking professionals about their main criteria for job satisfaction. The responses were enlightening and reflective of evolving workplace priorities. Let’s take a look. Topping the list was 'Work/Life Balance', chosen by 57% of respondents. This finding aligns with a growing trend where employees are seeking a healthier balance between their professional and personal lives. It's a clear indicator that today's workforce values time and flexibility as much as, if not more than, financial remuneration. 'Work Culture' followed with 29% of the vote, underscoring the importance of a positive, supportive, and engaging work environment. In today's fast-paced world, a company's culture significantly impacts employee morale, productivity, and overall satisfaction. Interestingly, 'Career Progression' was a priority for 14% of participants, highlighting a keen interest in growth and development opportunities within the workplace. This insight is invaluable for employers aiming to attract and retain top talent by offering clear career pathways and professional development. Remarkably, 'Salary/Benefits' received 0% of the vote this month. While this might seem surprising, it emphasises a paradigm shift where non-monetary aspects of a job are increasingly valued over traditional financial incentives. (Check out our recent blog about negotiating a good salary ) These results reflect a changing landscape in the world of work, where flexibility, culture, and personal growth are paramount. At Shepherd Stubbs Recruitment, we understand these evolving needs and are committed to matching candidates with roles that not only meet their professional aspirations but also resonate with their personal values. As the industry adapts, we continue to be at the forefront, ensuring that both employers and employees find the right fit – because ‘it's all about the right people’. Whether you are looking to find a new role or maybe considering a new hire in 2024, reach out and speak to a member of the team here .
by Jonathan Shepherd-Stubbs 24 Jan, 2024
In the ever-evolving job market, the introduction of AI has been a significant game-changer. Since their launch in 2022, these tools have captivated over 180 million people worldwide, transforming the daily workflows of countless professionals. This includes hiring managers, who are becoming increasingly adept at identifying CVs crafted entirely from templated content. But this doesn't mean you should disregard AI's potential in your job hunt. Let's explore how to effectively utilise AI to create a standout CV that captures attention for all the right reasons. Embrace AI for Keyword Integration Tailoring your CV for each application is crucial. This involves integrating key terms from the job description to ensure your CV passes through any Application Tracking Systems (ATS) designed to filter out applications lacking specific keywords. Using AI chatbots for this task can be highly efficient. Upload your main CV and request the inclusion of particular keywords. The AI can adeptly incorporate these into your existing skills and experiences, enhancing your CV's relevance. Be Critical of AI's Initial Output AI is a tool, not a magic wand. If the first draft from an AI source doesn’t quite hit the mark, experiment with different prompts to refine the output. Avoid directly copying large sections of text. AI-generated content should be a starting point, not the final product. Remember, most AI platforms have knowledge only up to January 2022. For insights into current market trends or industry forecasts, you may need to supplement the AI's output with more recent information. Ensure Correct Spelling AI often defaults to American English spelling, which can be a red flag for UK employers. If you're using AI for your CV, always double-check spellings and adjust any Americanisms to their British counterparts. Avoid Overstating Experience with AI It’s a known fact that job applicants occasionally embellish their CVs. However, relying on AI to artificially enhance your experience is a risky move. Overstatements can be easily spotted, especially if your claimed expertise doesn't align with your career level. Keep your CV authentic and true to your actual experience and skills. In summary, AI can be a powerful ally in crafting a compelling CV, but they require thoughtful use. Integrating industry-specific keywords, critically evaluating AI suggestions, ensuring correct spelling, and maintaining authenticity in your experience are key to creating a CV that stands out positively in today's competitive job market.
by Simon Clark 22 Jan, 2024
As we step into 2024, it's crucial to keep a finger on the pulse of the industry's evolving challenges. We recently conducted our inaugural LinkedIn poll for the year, aiming to uncover the primary hurdles our professional community is currently grappling with. The question was straightforward yet telling: "What’s your biggest challenge facing your industry today?" Here's a breakdown of the results: Talent Acquisition and Business Competition Both stood out as leading challenges, each receiving a significant 40% of the votes. This highlights a dual struggle prevalent in today’s market. On one hand, finding and retaining the right talent has become a central concern, underscoring the growing importance of effective recruitment strategies and workplace innovation. On the other hand, the competition in the business landscape is as fierce as ever, pushing companies to continuously innovate and differentiate themselves to stay ahead. Regulatory Changes With 20% of the votes, this remains a notable concern. Navigating the ever-shifting regulatory environment requires agility and foresight, something that today’s businesses must increasingly equip themselves for. Technology Advancements Interestingly, this response did not emerge as a key challenge in our poll, receiving zero votes. This could suggest that most businesses feel adequately prepared for technological shifts or that other challenges are currently more pressing. These insights are invaluable as we strategise for the year ahead. They not only reflect the collective sentiment of our professional community but also guide us in addressing these challenges through collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. Stay tuned on LinkedIn for our upcoming poll in February. Follow us here.
by Jonathan Shepherd-Stubbs 15 Jan, 2024
With many people now working remotely or taking on a hybrid role, having a productive workspace at home has now become essential for the majority of employees. A separate workspace will allow you to focus on work and get more productive. Here are our practical tips for a productive workspace at home. Minimise Distractions Above all, your home workspace should minimise any unnecessary distractions to allow you to focus on your work and be at your most productive. If you need quiet whilst you work, your priority might be to create a space in the quietest part of your home. Sometimes just the fact that you are at home allows people to interrupt you whilst you are working so having an area where you can close the door and separate yourself if necessary could be essential for you. Gather Your Equipment As we settle into new styles of working, the kitchen table just doesn’t make the cut anymore. Don’t make do just because you are working from home. Treat your workspace seriously and design your space in a similar way to a traditional office with a desk, ergonomic chair or everything you need to carry out your work effectively and do your job to the best of your ability whilst avoiding any strain or injuries. Get Organised As humans, we can rarely work in a messy and unorganised space. Try to keep your designated workspace free from unnecessary clutter or anything that doesn’t add to your productivity during the day. Organise your space so that it makes sense to you and ensure everything you need regularly in your workday is within reach. Personalise It Personalisation means something different to everyone. Some might like photographs of their family nearby to keep them motivated, others might like a place they can hear music to keep them focused. Whatever helps you to get through the working day, consider adding it to your home office to bring it to life and make it practical for you. Seek out Natural Light If your home allows it, try to get your office space or desk as near to a window as you can. Natural light sources can aid productivity and prevent you from getting too lethargic whilst Increasing your energy levels and reducing eye strain. If you can’t get close enough to natural light, consider a lamp which mimics daylight. Will you soon be moving into a home based office? We hope our tips have helped you idealise the most effective space for you. If you are currently looking for employment, our team can help get you on the right track. Contact us here to speak to our team or browse our current job vacancies here .
by Simon Clark 18 Dec, 2023
We believe, setting clear business goals is crucial. As we close the door on 2023, we conducted our monthly LinkedIn poll asking our followers, 'What is your primary business goal for 2024?' with options including Expanding Client Base, Increasing Revenue, Improving Service Quality, and Enhancing Online Presence. The results revealed a strong focus on financial objectives. A notable 60% of respondents chose 'Increasing Revenue' as their main goal, highlighting the importance of financial growth in today's economic landscape. Meanwhile, 40% prioritised 'Expanding Client Base', showing a strategic emphasis on growth through new business relationships. This suggests an optimistic approach to market expansion and client acquisition. These insights guide us in fine-tuning our own services. We're dedicated to supporting businesses in achieving these objectives, aligning our recruitment expertise to your goals for 2024. What will our first poll be for 2024? Follow us here on LinkedIn to be notified. We hope you have a fantastic break over the festive period and a prosperous New Year.
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